Infant Jesus High School

Our Patron


he name Infant Jesus symbolizes simplicity, love, duty and devotion. Jesus was born in Bethlehem in a simple pen. Simple shepherds were with their flocks in the countryside when an angel appeared to give them the good news of the birth. They hurried to see the wonderful things they had heard about, which the angel said, would bring great joy to all the people. Not long afterwards some wise men from the east were guided by a star which signified to them the fulfillment of a prophecy concerning the birth of a Saviour. The shepherds and the wise men were next to Mary and Joseph, the first persons we know to have been drawn to the Infant Jesus. Simplicity, love, sense of unity and devotion are the some of the qualities which the school intends to instill in its children, with the blessings of our patron INFANT JESUS. Jesus lived as a little child until he grew up to manhood. In this he was like any human being. But even as a child Jesus is God, and as a child he teaches us that the way to the Father is through a child – like trust in God and loving obedience to His will. This idea is expressed poetically by St. Robert Southwell, an English Jesuit Martyr, in one of his poems.

"Though young yet wise, Though small yet strong, Though man yet God He is. As wise He knows, as strong He can As God He loves to bless, His knowledge rules, His strength defends, His love both cherishes all. His birth our Joy, His life our right, His death our end of thrill. "